During 2024, Dogwatch, in conjunction with SPCA NZ, HUHA and SAFE made a collective commitment to the Government that, if required, we would assist in rehoming former racing greyhounds should the racing industry close. Subsequently, the Government advised in early December 2024 that closure was to occur by 1 August 2026.
Over the next 20 months the expectation is that the industry will begin to wind down and many greyhounds will be seeking loving family homes as they exit the industry.
Along with everyone else, we are waiting for further information from the Government on how they intend to facilitate he closure process and rehoming effort. We will keep you informed of developments as information comes to hand, and what Dogwatch’s role in this process will be. Our expectation is that we will support other greyhound adoption agencies and facilitate adoptions rather than accommodate a large number of greyhounds on site.
The government Ministerial Advisory Committee is taking the lead in planning and overseeing the wind-down of the greyhound racing industry and the process for the adoption of greyhounds into pet homes in the months ahead.
Where to adopt your greyhound from:
There are already greyhounds patiently waiting in existing rehoming centres to begin their new life as a pet. Others will become available gradually over the transition period.
If you are interested in adopting a greyhound now, we encourage you to contact the following organisations:
*Please note: These organisations are currently experiencing a high level of enquires about greyhound adoptions. We ask that you are patient; there are many greyhounds looking for homes, but it takes time to match the right dog with the right family.
You can also apply to adopt a greyhound through other Greyhound Racing New Zealand adoption agency partners.
We look forward to the opportunity to assist in this worthwhile venture and to work alongside other similar value-based organisations to ensure the right outcomes for these dogs.
The SPCA has put together some great advice and resources here: