
Sex Female
Breed Mixed Breed
Age 1 year old
Rescue date 07/09/2024
Rehome date 07/09/2024
Size category medium
Weight 21kg
OK for first time owner? yes
Energy level medium
Play drive average
Dog friendly? OK with males & females
Cat friendly? yes
Crate trained? unknown
Toilet trained? unknown

More about Millie

**UPDATE** Applications are currently closed for Millie as she is in her settling and support period with a new family

Meet Millie, a 1.5-year-old mixed breed with a very sweet nature. Sometimes lacking in confidence, Millie is looking for a home that can bring her out of her shell and help her learn that the world is not too scary!

Millie is likely to have exercise needs and would do well in a stimulating home. She thrives in an environment where she can explore and engage with her surroundings. Due to Millie being quite young she will require some ongoing help to settle into her day to day life!

Millie is looking for a family that can provide her with the support and love she needs to grow into a confident and happy dog. If you’re ready to help Millie discover her true potential, she will reward you with endless love and loyalty.

If you’re looking for a loving and loyal companion who will bring joy and warmth into your life, Millie is the perfect match!

Ideal home:

  • Commitment to ongoing training
  • Regular exercise
  • Confident owner
  • Ideally a home with older or confident children

Apply to meet Millie here: or email us on

Email us about Millie