
Sex Male
Breed Mixed breed
Age 7 months old
Size category medium
Weight 16kg
OK for first time owner? yes
Energy level high
Play drive high
Dog friendly? OK with males & females
Cat friendly? yes
Crate trained? unknown
Toilet trained? unknown

More about Richie

***31/8/24 Richie has been adopted and is on his settling in and support period***


Meet Richie – The Energetic Youngster Ready for His Forever Home! 🐾

Introducing Richie, our vibrant 6-month-old male mixed breed who recently joined the Dogwatch family from the Christchurch City Pound! Richie is a bouncy bundle of energy, eager to learn, grow, and become the perfect addition to your family.

🌟 Personality: Richie-roo is full of life and enthusiasm! Despite his rough start, he has shown remarkable resilience and a keen desire to learn. He has mixed very well with females, males, and even our big man Doogie! Richie’s great potential to live with another dog or even other pets makes him a versatile companion. He’s a happy boy who loves his cuddles and playtime!

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Ideal Family:

  • Patient and Committed Owner: Richie needs an owner who is patient and committed to investing in his training and socialization. With the right guidance, Richie can become a well-mannered and social member of your family.
  • Family Environment: Richie has been assessed as suitable to live with older dog savy Children 10+), showing lots of potential to live happily with young people.
  • Cats and other pets: Richie could live in a home with other pets and or a cat, he would need some support settling in but would be a good additional to a family with pets.
  • Short Workdays or Work from Home: As Richie is young, he needs help adjusting to being home alone. His ideal family would have short workdays (a maximum of 5 hours) or, even better, someone who works from home as Richie gets comfy.

🏡 Richie’s Needs:

  • Training and Socialization: Richie’s new family should be ready to invest time in his training to help him reach his full potential.
  • Active Lifestyle: Richie’s bouncy and energetic nature means he would benefit from regular exercise and activities to keep him engaged and happy.

Richie is a young pup with a bright future ahead. If you’re ready to welcome a lively and loving companion into your life, come meet Richie and see if he’s the perfect fit for your family!

Please fill out an application form here or email us on

Email us about Richie